Case Study: ERM Training Course
Designing a unique course for diverse audiences....
At a glance...
The Client: One of UK’s largest bodies in the Oil and Gas industry.
The Challenge: The client required a holistic training on ERM theory and practice for two different groups of senior Managers: Project Managers and Risk Managers. Both groups had different strengths and capabilities and therefore, the course was required to fit both.
The Solution - ERM for Project Managers and ERM for Risk Managers: We divided the course into two different courses which were targeted to the two groups respectively. Due to the structure of the units, we managed to design the course so that some of the content was similar and so that groups were bigger and more diverse in some of the sessions.
Transforming Knowledge to Practice: The feedback from both the participants and the facilitators was very positive. Both groups found the course content to be up to their standards and deemed it very helpful in their practice. Participants found the different workshops and interactive sessions very engaging, which sustained their interest during the taught units. The client was very satisfied with our services and asked us to design a similar course for a different team as part of their Development Scheme.

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One of the biggest multinational bodies in the Oil & Gas industry required a Training and Development course based on the fundamental practices of ERM for its senior Project Managers and Risk Managers.
With employees and members across the world, the course was initially designed for Project Managers and Risk Managers.
The Challenge
Due to the needs of the course but also the diverse group of participants (Project Managers and Risk Managers), Systemic Consult was required to design a 4-5 day training course which would apply to both groups.
We were informed that the Project Management group didn’t necessarily have the fundamental knowledge about ERM, as did the Risk Management group, and the challenge was to design a course which would be engaging, but also consistent with the audience’s capabilities.
The Solution
As a result the course was split in 2 different courses, which applied to the different participant groups. Each course was then divided in 3 units: The ERM groundwork, Implementation, Developing and Sustaining ERM. The content in some of the units was essentially the same and so the two teams had an opportunity to interact with each other and share their knowledge and personal experience. However, the “Implementation” section differed in quite a few points and was adapted to apply to the two groups accordingly. For instance, the Project Management audience attended a more general introductory lecture in the beginning, while the Risk Management group participated in a “refresh” session on the fundamentals of ERM.
Both courses involved a mixture of lectures, training workshops, case studies and interactive sessions, in order to both engage the participants but also facilitate them to use their newly acquired knowledge in practical situations.
Although, we are mostly asked to deliver the courses that we design, in this particular case, the client chose to use in-house course facilitators. We also liaised with the course’s facilitators in order to ensure that they were confident in delivering the content in the standards that it was designed in.
Systemic Consult on the Solution
“Our Training courses are designed to fit our clients’ needs and our audience’s capabilities. This is why most of the courses that we design and deliver are customised. Our aim is not only to train and educate but to engage our participants in a challenging way, by pushing them find new and innovative solutions and by bringing them together into an environment out of their everyday comfort zone.”