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Thinking Systems

“The more we study the major problems of our time, the more we come to realise that they cannot be understood in isolation. They are systemic problems, which means that they are interconnected and interdependent" (Capra 1996)

We are always learning about systems; they are embedded in all that we do. We share our learning via courses designed and delivered to organisations and educational institutions.



We work closely with top universities, such as Bristol, Bath, Shanghai and Cantenbury (NZ), designing and delivering course material within Engineering and Business Departments.


We also help organisations that are 'stuck' by providing systems thinking consulting which embraces complexity in a creative and holistic way.

Click here to read our case studies.

Our Links

We have played and integral part in the foundation of the Bristol University Systems Centre and we are closely linked to
the Institute & Faculty of Actuaries,
the Institue of Risk Management,
the Santa Fe Institute, and STRATrisk.

Contact us

Address:  4 Bridge Yard                           6/6 Mosman Street

                 Bradford-on-Avon                    Mosman 

                 Wiltshire                                   Sydney

                 BA15 1EJ                                 NSW, 2088

                 UK                                            Australia

Phone:    +44 (0)1225 282251                   0477964777

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Read our Case Studies here

Systemic Consult Ltd. Reg. No. 07466044

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