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Network Analysis of
Complex Systems for Business

From Facebook to the iPhone and from the human brain to viral videos, networks are pervasive to our modern society. But what does it mean to be connected, and how can one harvest its benefits, while avoiding its pitfalls? 

Network science is the study of how interconnectivity (and its effects) can be tackled in a tangible and objective manner. A celebrated feature of the field is its capacity to transcend domains of expertise, providing a truly interdisciplinary approach to problem solving in wide-reaching areas such as systemic risk management.


As such, aspects of robustness, fragility and cascading effects can be explored in a wide range of domains, ranging from system architecting and design to general finance and management. This course offers an overview of tools and techniques that can be used to monitor the state, and appreciate the dynamics, of various actions upon complex systems.


What does it include?

  • Historic overview of network science

  • Introduction to prevailing concepts and universal results

  • Static Network Analysis, based on network structure and node centrality

  • Dynamic Network Analysis (including adaptive networks)

  • Introduction to readily available software for network analysis and visualisation



What will you gain?

  • Gain a deeper understanding on the relationship between interconnectivity and complexity 

  • Appreciate the divergence of the field, and how it can be used to tackle ones' individual challenges

  • Familiarise with state-of-the-art software tools and techniques 

  • Visualisation techniques for spotting trends in in complex datasets

Who is it for: Risk Analysts and Risk Managers

How long: Two to four days (depending on client requirements)

Extra Features: This course, can be combined with "Managing Project Complexity" to provide a complete overview on how to tackle complexity.

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Address:  4 Bridge Yard                           6/6 Mosman Street

                 Bradford-on-Avon                    Mosman 

                 Wiltshire                                   Sydney

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Phone:    +44 (0)1225 282251                   0477964777

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Systemic Consult Ltd. Reg. No. 07466044

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