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Find out more
We are a consultancy team of leading edge practitioners, focusing on culture and risk management.
We offer consulting and training services across a variety of industries, helping organisations manage risks more effectively and identify emerging systemic issues. We deliver sustainable training and we align strategies for competitive advantage.
Take a look at our ERA and culture mapping tools.

Our strengths stem from a close and continuing involvement with research. All our approaches are derived from leading edge practice based on extensively researched theoretical principles.
We have transformed leading-edge thinking knowledge into different consulting tools, serving a number of industries – from insurance to construction.
We tailor our packages to match our clients’ needs - from adapting the way we deliver training to adding extra features or simplifying our tools according to your desires.
How we can help
We are a consultancy team of leading edge practitioners, focusing on culture and risk management. Visualisation and a deep understanding of systems and learning are at the core of how we succeed to propel organisations forwards.

We offer our culture measurement tool to organisations who want to benchmark and align their culture.
We offer risk management techniques that map and predict systemic risks and help organisations steer through rocky waters.

We work closely with academic institutions and risk management organisations.
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The world is connected in many ways that creates value and opportunities but can also increase risk exposure, often in unseen and subtle ways.
We offer a range of training courses, both corporate and academic. Choose from the list or let us help you design your own.
Complex situations require holistic thinking that embraces uncertainty to find sustainable ways forward.