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Strategic  & Operational Risk and Risk Mapping techniques for Managers

Over the past decade, enterprise risk management (ERM) has come to be seen as a critical component of a financial institution's success. Banks have turned to ERM as a way to capture and integrate risks to gain a more holistic, enterprise-wide view of risk exposure.  



In this workshop we examine how embracing complexity and using new approaches from systems science, large organisations can develop their risk strategy to ensure the essential benefits of ERM are utilised to enhance the risk management performance of their organisations.

What does it include?

• What risks really look like and how they behave? Event based or complex and emerging

• Risk types and how they interact? Modelling challenges and new approaches

• The role of perceptions and patterns in risk mitigation?

• Practical techniques for mapping and modelling strategic issues in risk management

• How to develop insights for mitigating emerging and systemic risks


What will you gain?

  • Knowledge of approaches to capture and interpret complex risk interactions related to ERM requirements

  • Understanding of how these pragmatic approaches can be developed to inform a risk strategy

  • Familiarity of practical approaches for cascading the strategy through the organisation using risk appetite and operational indicators

  • Developing personal strategic risk elicitation and mapping skills

Want to know more about our services on Strategic Risk Management? Click here!

Who is it for: Senior executives responsible for risk strategy development, setting risk appetite statements and limits. Managers looking for new approaches to guide them through complex risk interactions and identification, prior to the modelling and assessment process. 


How long: One day or half a day


Extra features: We also offer in-company training.

"Explanation of 'Strategic Risk'"

Watch Neil Allan talk about what 'strategic risk' is and when to use the term, on Risk TV.

Click here for more courses

Contact us

Address:  4 Bridge Yard                           6/6 Mosman Street

                 Bradford-on-Avon                    Mosman 

                 Wiltshire                                   Sydney

                 BA15 1EJ                                 NSW, 2088

                 UK                                            Australia

Phone:    +44 (0)1225 282251                   0477964777

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Systemic Consult Ltd. Reg. No. 07466044

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