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Case Studies

We believe that there is no better way to explain what we do, than to show it in past experiences. Our case studies demonstrate the variety of services that we provide and the industries that we have worked for. However, our capabilities are not limited to these examples! 

Find out how we helped a leading insurance group, map the culture of the employees and board members and align their visions. 

Find out how a multinational mining and resource company used our evolutionary risk methodology to explore and mitigate emerging risks in their major projects.

Find out how we effectively designed an ERM Training course both for Project Managers and Risk Managers.

Contact us

Address:  4 Bridge Yard                           6/6 Mosman Street

                 Bradford-on-Avon                    Mosman 

                 Wiltshire                                   Sydney

                 BA15 1EJ                                 NSW, 2088

                 UK                                            Australia

Phone:    +44 (0)1225 282251                   0477964777

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Read our Case Studies here

Systemic Consult Ltd. Reg. No. 07466044

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